Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh, the Possibilities...

Rick took five of the kids and headed for Wenatchee. Mads is on her northwest history trip, so it is just BK, Omega and me. My house is quiet. What to do?

I have dreams of cleaning the whole house, dust bunnies be gone! I am going to Costco, for the first time since BN (before Nes). I hope I don't need a second mortgage when I get back, because I probably can't get one. I am realizing how quiet my life could have been. I'm sure I wouldn't have appreciated nearly as much as I do right now. In about 20 hours I will start to wonder where everybody is and when they are coming back. For now I am going to enjoy the peace.

I hope that Rick survives. He is headed into unfamiliar territory with the troops, flying solo. He is a good Dad, I have confidence that he will survive. They have to go the Children's, then to the Mariner's game. Nes is so excited about baseball. We were sure he would be a soccer fan, but he has taken a distinct liking to the American sport. I think it is a male bonding thing. After this two day excursion the boys will be solidly attached. I might even have some pictures to post on Monday.

Sunday is Bloomsday. If it rains I will be seriously bummed, only more so if it snows.

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