Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random Weekend Thoughts

We have been a bit under the weather lately. It has been a good time to sit and discuss things we have been too busy to get to. I have been reading Surprised by Hope, Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, by N.T. Wright. It has helped me put together things I have believed, but not been able to articulate coherently. It is encouraging me to keep on keeping on. When the work in life gets difficult or monotonous, it is easy to question why we are doing it. When I can see that the work is for God's glory, and it is what He has given me to do, it makes it much more bearable.

I have also been thinking about "the economy." Who hasn't? Mars Hill Audio has had some great discussions about the economy from a very different perspective. They have been talking about ethics, and how it relates to the economy. There was a great discussion about limits that I thought was profound. Limits are good for our souls, gasp, can I say that in America? The person involved in that conversation was Patrick Deneen who has a great blog. He recently posted this long, but very edifying article on what President Obama had to say about the economy. It has sparked some great conversations with my hubby. We have a lot of cultural baggage to sort through. It may be that since we are both a little stuffed up in the head that our insights aren't really all that insightful, so I won't share our editorials until we recover.

The kids are out riding bicycles, playing baseball, digging in the dirt, playing the piano, and doing what our kids do. Some of them have already conquered the virus, and some are just catching it. Spring seems to be a time of fighting various illnesses. The weather seems to be warming up which is such a blessing. Some of our grass is turning green, and some of the kids are actually weeding and pruning in hope of flowers in May. We missed worship, which is such a bummer. Lord willing we will be back on our feet by next Sunday.

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