Sunday, April 19, 2009

Redeeming Space, Time and Matter

"Living between the resurrection of Jesus and the final coming together of all things in heaven and earth means celebrating God's healing of his world not his abandoning of it; God's reclaiming of space as heaven and earth intersect once more; God's redeeming of time as years, weeks, and days speak the language of renewal; and God's redeeming of matter itself, in the sacraments, which point in turn to the renewal of the lives that are washed in baptism and fed with the Eucharist." N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope, p. 264

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

I have read your other entry the other day and was quiet intriqued. I think I have to buy that book. I bet you are all into it. I too just love reading. That has got to be my most favorite pass time.