"We don't fully believe that our new Father will feed us, so we hang on to our scraps and long for the regimented schedules of the orphanage from which we've come. And when our Father pushes us along to new tastes, we pout that he's not good to us. But he's readying us for glory, preparing us to take our place on thrones as heirs." ~ Russel D. Moore, Adopted for Life, p. 50
My pastor recommended a book called Adopted for Life, the Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches, by Russell D. Moore. It is a doctrinal look at adoption for all Christians. I'm finding it quite intriguing. It helps to have just gone through the adoption process, and have a very concrete idea of how adoption works. But even if you haven't adopted, it is a great look at our adoption as sons of God.
It is interesting that certain words pop out at you during certain times in life. The words adoption and orphan have been popping out at me for over a year now. I don't think there has been a Sunday that there was not at least one mention of our adoption into the Kingdom of God, or the promise that we will not be left orphans. Why does God use that metaphor? How should we think about adoption in light of that? This book is a wonderful answer to those questions.
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