This morning Ed performed in her first opera. She is the piggy on the far left. She was up at 5:15, dressed and ready to go by 5:20. She did a wonderful job, and we are taking her out to lunch to celebrate. Her brother, K-man, played the part of the big bad wolf two years ago. The songs are catchy so we all know them pretty well.
I really do love the school my children attend. Logos has been a wonderful part of our lives for eight years now. My kids know more Latin, history, science and literature than I do, and only one of them is in secondary school. All of the kids are at the same school, which is also helpful. I only have to travel to one place, and I have all kinds of eyes and ears on what's happening when I am not around.
Great job Eden!
Those 1st graders really did a stellar job!!! I was so impressed! I think it was a wonderful way to greet all the grandparents this morning - it was very well-done. Good job Eden!
What a Precious video. Thanks for sharing. I still haven't figured out how to put videos on my blog. Too bad.
I just looked at the website of your school and it seems really nice. Even the tuitions are so reasonalbe. Can't find nothing for that where I live.
Very cute! Eden is a star.
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