Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Amazing Story

AAI started their own blog a few months back, and I would really encourage you to read it from time to time. I have a link in my blog list. There is an amazing story of a young man that returned to Layla for his senior project in high school. It gives me so much hope for my kids, not just my Ethiopian kids, but my homegrown kids as well. I hope that they have a desire to visit Ethiopia, to get to know the family that we have there. I know that Mads really wants to go and see it. I hope that we can make that happen for her.

This young man's perspective is so wonderful. It is good to know that these kids are doing so well in their new families, and that they do long to share what they have with those that they left behind. It was wonderful to see how his perspective had grown through his project, to realize the tragedy of the children that are HIV+. That they too, are in need of homes, and that there are people out there ready to be families for these children. It is a great inspirational story, if that is what you need today.

1 comment:

Author and HIV/AIDS Advocate--S.Meredith said...

This is great! Thanks for posting it : )