Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Waiting in Hope...Again

Today I am sending in our referral papers for a beautiful ten year old girl in Ethiopia. We had decided while we were in Ethiopia getting Nes, that we had to come back for one of the older girls. We didn't make it to big AHOPE, but we had pictures from friends that had adopted girls from there. This particular girl has the most amazing smile, and dimples. She looked so joyful in all of her pictures, I thought, if this girl can be this happy where she is she must be very special. When I asked Erin if she had a family that was interested in her, she told me that she didn't, but that she was hands down her favorite girl at AHOPE. That meant a lot to me. She was also very dear to my friend Lisa, who said that if she thought she could adopt more, she would have gone back for her. We called our agency, because we really wanted to adopt an older child, which they discouraged last time. They warned us about the potential problems, and things to consider. We have watched friends go through this process, some very easily, and some with more challenges, but all with great reward. We were determined to bring this girl home.

We have gathered the paperwork, written the checks, updated our fingerprints, and all of the other things that were on the checklist. I am waiting on Wal-Mart to get my photo album done, and then we will be ready to send our welcome bag to be taken to Ethiopia. I am so excited to meet this precious girl. I know that the wait will be longer this time, due to changes in the process, and backlogs in the courts, but I know that it will be worth it in the end. I also know that this is my time to enjoy the children that are here, and to pray for our adjustment to go well.

We were a bit hesitant to tell people that we are adopting again. We were afraid their reactions would be negative. Either they have resigned themselves to the fact that we are crazy and are just going with it, or else they are truly supportive. My parents have been just incredible. They have been supportive and encouraging. I have been pleasantly surprised at how positive everyone has been. I'm sure it helps that Nes is such a wonderful guy, he is quite an ambassador for his people. I realize that this child will not be just like Nes, no two children are ever alike, but I know that God has great things planned for us. She wants to be a doctor, and I pray that she will accomplish that. She loves pink and pizza, how perfect is that?

So here we are back on the ride. My end of the paperwork is almost finished, and then it will be out of my hands and into God's hand. The paperwork was much easier the second time around. Now we are waiting in hope for a lovely lady to join our family.


Alexis said...

This is really amazing! I would love to see a picture ... We are praying that this adoption goes well for you all!

Thankfulmom said...

We are praying for you and your sweet girl, and will help in any way that we can. Honeybee is so delighted and I am thrilled that I will get to have your daughter as part of my life. She is lovely!

Andrea Hill said...

First off, huge congratulations from the Hill house. I am absolutely crazy happy for you even though I have already told you. Hm, remember how I was reading through the lines? Who cares what people think. Like I always say, they don't put food on your table, you are. And for your parents to root you on like that, you couldn't asked for more. Next adopting an older child takes a lot of courage. Its easy to say to do it but once they are home its a different picture. If I have faith in anyone to accomplish this it will be YOU because you have what it takes and I am not joking or kissing up to you. Plus you have Lisa right there to guide you. What a friend. Having Erin's blessing would mean a lot to me too. So after writing you a little book I guess I save more for the next time but I am just thrilled to peaces for your family. Miss you so much.

Matthew and Amanda said...

WHAT!!! I am incredibly excited for you guys. What wonderful news!! It goes without saying, but when we travel to bring home Samry I WILL go to AHOPE and bring letters for you and get some precious photos!!


Lisa Bates said...

My prayers and encouragement are for you!

NYC Lorna said...


I volunteered at AHOPE last year and fell in love with one of the older girls who had the most amazing dimples. I've prayed that she would find a family to call her own. I wonder if this is the same lovely girl with gorgeous dimples that you are adopting, as she was also friends with Honeybee: M?

Praying that the process will go smoothly and she will be home soon!

Lorna in NYC