Rick is out of town, again. I am behind, as always. Mads is doing more than her fair share of the work around here, and I just wanted to say how truly grateful I am for all of her help. She put 80 braids on Jubilee's head tonight. I would have done 8, maybe. She is keeping things running, if it weren't for her we would be one big disaster.
She gives me hope that one day all of these little people running around my house will be as grand as she is. I remember the days when I thought they would never grow up, now I am dreading the thought that someday she will going out on her own. For now, I am so very happy to have her here and so are all of her siblings. She is definitely a keeper.
1 comment:
Can I borrow Mads for a day? I have a young one that needs her braids re-done.
Yes ... they grow up all too soon. Last summer, I had 12 of my kids living at home. Now ... I am here at my Big Big House with my 4 youngest kids. Oh my! Where have all my Big Kids gone????
Laurel :)
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