Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today's Gifts

Today Rick took Nes and Jubilee to Seattle to see their PID.  Omega and I had the whole day to ourselves.  Four of the kids auditioned for the school musical, The Sound of Music.  It was fun to hear them say their lines, and see how they did in front of a small audience.  It made me appreciate what a wonderful school they go to.  All of the kids did so well, I am very glad I am not the one choosing the cast.

I am very thankful for a day with my youngest.  We went for a bike ride, which was just lovely.  We walked over to the neighbor's to talk about bikes, and ran into the other neighbor's out working in their yard.  I am thankful for toddlers, toddling around and pointing out all of the amazing things that I miss, things like birds, horses, bees, sprinklers, colors, the moon, ceiling fans, they are always so intrigued by the simple things.  I am thankful for all of my wonderful neighbors who let my kids roam around their yards, with their sticks and balls, playing with their kids and leaving their bikes in their driveways.  I am thankful for sleeping children with rosy cheeks looking so deceivingly peaceful.

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

I am thankful too that you had a very special day with my favorite girl:) Tell her I said I love her.