Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Needing a Refill

I'm hitting the point in the summer when I start to question why God thought I should be the mother of 9 children.  I felt like I had some semblance of control when I had 4, but after Ed arrived things have been teetering on chaotic most of the time.  I had commented to a friend, who also has many children, that I am not organized.  She told me I am very organized, I have just reached the point when my kids out weigh my organizational ability.  I know in my heart that I am right where God needs me to be.  If I had some control in my life I would waste my time on my own pleasures.  As it is, I have someone needing something every minute of every day.  When I ask God for my daily bread, I mean it.  I need everything He can give me to get through the day, and I will need a refill tomorrow.

I find it strange that when the daily going gets tough, I start questioning God's will in my life.  I was so sure I knew what He wanted for me before I got into this situation, why am I looking at my life now thinking I messed it up.  God's will is being done on earth, in my house, as it is in Heaven.  He doesn't tell me how it is going to work out, but He has done it so far, so why do I doubt?  Why do I doubt what He has already done?  Do I think He will come and take a couple of my children back?  I have to believe that He has called me to this work, and He will see me through it.  There are not too many arguments for me to mediate.  I will find enough food to keep them fed for the summer.  He will provide the supplies they need for the first day of school.  As sure as the sun will rise in the morning, He will meet my needs.

My needs, what are those?  I need to lay my life down and serve the people in my home.  Summer is a good time for me to see how I am doing in that area.  My husband keeps pointing out to me that my kids are all doing very well, it is me that feels fried.  Maybe that is a good thing.  It will be good, if I will take my emptiness to Jesus.  I need to let Him fill me up, so that I may pour myself out tomorrow.  It is exhausting to serve people all day, but isn't that what Christ did for us, and continues to do?  I need to give up my idol of "quiet time" and embrace the neediness around me.  Obviously I don't need more "me time"  I need to be available to listen, support, read, comfort, rebuke, affirm, love.  I need to be thankful for all of the people in my house that bump into each other, and bump into me.  It gives us many, many opportunities to extend grace.  I guess I should laugh at myself, that it took all these people to wear down my selfishness.  Well, bring on the thunderstorms, I will have faith in the one that controls the wind and the waves.  Some day I will miss all this chaos, at least that is what people keep telling me.


Lisa H. said...

i really appreciate your writing and again, I have to say I SO related to this post. It reminds me of a favorite quote, "The flesh doesn't die quietly, but goes kicking and screaming...." And it's not that it's even necessarily our flesh we're always dealing with, but sometimes just a normal human desire to be able to experience two consecutive thoughts without an interruption! :o)

I'm still hoping we get to meet for lunch!

Lisa H.

Shonni said...

I can so appreciate this post!!!
Thank you for writing it. I am encouraged to know others feel this way also.

Angie Washington said...

From what I can see you are THE epitome of 2 Cor. 12:14-15

...for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children. And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.

Oh, yes, we can describe in detail what exactly 'spend and be spent' means. The wonderful thing is that you do it with such grace. I am a confessed messy, so that might taint my next statement. I say So What if you are not organized?! :) Grace trumps color coding. You are a woman full of grace and mercy.

Thanks for venting in such an uplifting way. Happy Last Days of Summer!

Andrea Hill said...

Hang in there sweet friend, things will get better. You know my view on your mommyhood. I received my wonderful magazine in the mail yesterday from "Above Rubies". I am gonna copy it for you and send it your way. YOu will get a true burst of energy because this magazine is all about God and large families and going on and on and on everyday. Love you.

Hannah G said...

Another lovely post. I have to say that just thinking about your family is frequently an encouragement when my own four kids seems like more than I can handle.

We just got back from a family reunion where there are now nearly 80 of us able to play and sing and pray and eat and fellowship together each year. I often think how delighted my grandparents would be if they were here today to see their own nine kids—along with their families—still walking with God.

All those years of "me time" that my grandparents sacrificed for their family have yielded incredible fruit. My own kids, three generations removed, are continuing to reap the harvest that they planted 50 years ago. God's faithfulness is truly awesome.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

thanks. i definitely put "quiet" on the top of my list...

the last paragraph is excellent.

Laurel said...

Oh how I love hearing your heart.

God is doing a mighty work ... in you and through you.

This was a great reminder for this mother of many, as well. I, too, am tired right now ... and about to embark on a 5 week Road Trip with 7 of my children. Yikes! I'm kind of scared ... thinking, "What am I doing?" I have 2 kids in pretty "bad places" emotionally and behaviorally right now. But ... I KNOW that God will give me what I need to not only survive this trip, but to build wonderful memories with my children, as well.


Laurel :)