Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mole Hills

I have been reflecting on the mountains of laundry that seem to come with every vacation.  I find myself murmuring about all of the hand me downs that collect in my house.  I walk from room to room and all that catches my eye is dust bunnies and duffel bags of sports equipment.  The list goes on and on, so I had to stop and write down the good things.

My husband came home from a meeting last night with some really disheartening news.  It hit me that all of my little irritations in life are really mole hills, lots of mole hills maybe, but mole hills none the less.  I have to remind myself way too often be thankful for all of this ordinary life around me.  I have friends that are really truly dealing with mountains in their lives.  The morning we were getting ready to leave for vacation I flounced in to church with my hair all messed up, and my lip poking out.  I sat in the back because I was late, so I had a good view of my peeps.  God was very gracious in opening my eyes to what a total jerk I was being.  He brought to mind many struggles that are happening around me.  I started to see how pathetic my attitude was, and how much time I am wasting fussing about nothing.  So what if my husband left all the aluminum cans that we have been saving for six months in a black bag on the curb for the recycling guy?  Ya, the guy wouldn't be there for three more days, and you couldn't tell what was in the bag without opening it, but he might be psychic and figure it out.  So we came home to aluminum cans all over the yard, really is this a mountain or a mole hill?

I am truly grateful that our biggest problems are what our kids watch on t.v.  Whether or not their skirts are long enough not to offend the lady two rows over.  What classes should Mads take next fall?  Should we go to camp on Labor Day or not?  I am grateful for all of the neighbor kids that ring my doorbell 60 or 70 times a day.  I am grateful for the tub of plaid skirts that I get to wade through for this coming school year.  I am thankful for the pile of sheets that go on the nine beds in my house.  All of these things are blessings.  I am thankful that when I go to bed every night, I still have things left to do.  I am still needed.  God is truly good to me, too good in fact.

There may be mountains ahead.  There have certainly been mountains behind.  It is good to know that every Sunday I sit down and sing with the people that will help me climb them.  For now my job is to rejoice in the ordinary life and to keep praying for those around me climbing the crags.  I need to make a few extra meals for those that can't.  I need to set aside some of my overflow for those who are feeling a bit dry.  I need to encourage those that are feeling weak.  I need to keep my perspective and tell my kids how much I love them, and my sweet husband.  Life is full of good things, if you are willing to see it that way.


Friends turning 40, and dessert that I don't have to make

Hand me downs

Teens that sleep until the crack of noon

Neighbors that let my kids play on their x-box

School uniforms, who doesn't love plaid?

Cool breezes

Kids that can ride their bikes to the pool

Daughters that call from their friend's because they need their Mom

People to shop with and for


New Furniture

Money well spent

So many friends in walking distance

Praying for those in the valleys

Pictures of flowers on facebook

Wet towels everywhere, the pool is open

Pool passes

Moms telling their kids well done

Family squabbles, which mean we are all still talking to each other

Bicycles all over the yard, and the kids that are able to ride them

The cat that has returned

Grandmas that spoil their granddogs

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