Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's More Important?

One of the topics we discussed over the weekend, was wealth and generosity. Our discussions were great, and helped prepare me for coming home. As soon as all of my wealthy little ones (Yes, they are wealthy. They own cars, clothes, houses, tools, people, way more than they need.) woke up we started applying the practical side of our weekend discussions. I think I asked my kids 70 or 80 times, "What is more important your sister, or your stuff?" The usual response was a silent stare, and then the sheepish "my sister".

It seems like a simple enough question, and answer. Why is it that we get that turned upside down so often? My kids have been wonderful in playing out these philosophical dilemmas, and allowing me to think through how do I live. I hadn't really realized how often my children's grumpiness was due to the fact that someone else had something they didn't. By far our battles with Nes have been over stuff. Either someone is touching his stuff, or someone has stuff he doesn't, etc. He is just more obvious about his coveting. Now that I know what I am looking at, it is everywhere.

Today we are going to keep it simple. When I get all fussed up because someone tracked mud on the carpet, I am going to stop and ask myself; What is more important?


Sarah said...

Good food to chew on, Sig.

Dianne said...

Really good thought, Signe - I think I'll try it!!

Andrea Hill said...

Good for you Signe. My pastor has been preaching on worldliness and end times for a long time now and those surely are my most liked sermons. It hard to be worldly to come back from a 3rd world country and not be changed. Wouldn't it be nice to take the whole family to see for themselves so they can be thankful just for the simple things as family, a bed, food every day...