Sunday, April 25, 2010

King's Invitational

We just got home from the track meet at Kings High School in Edmonds.  Mads did really well for her first meet of this size.  She placed in the top 8 in all her events except for the 100 meter dash, which she placed 13th in.  She cleared 4'8" in the high jump.  You can't really see her on the podium, but she is standing on the far right between the last girl and the one on the next step up.  She is really short for a high jumper, but she still did well.  The girl that won cleared 5'8" which is very good for high school girls, she was fun to watch.  I liked the picture of Mads on her head in the pit.  I of course forgot my camera, but grandma came to the rescue with her "gadget" the phone that does everything, except zoom in for pictures.

This is Mads finishing her 400m race.  She was in the second heat, but ended up finishing 7th.

The day was perfect, overcast and not too warm.  We drove over on Friday and spent the evening at the aquarium and at the pier.  We slept in the gym, which is a real treat, it almost made me miss Ethiopia.  Gram Pam came down and cheered Mads on with me.  We had pizza for dinner, and then a long drive home today.  I'm hoping I can talk Rick into driving our next trip to Seattle.  Our AD kept reminding me I get to do this 3 more times with Mads, and then BK, and then Bronster, and then...I guess I will be getting a whole lot more organized for future events.  I will be taking the Aerobed for sure.  The team was a lot of fun.  It is always a pleasure to spend time with these kids.  They are energetic, talented, bright and well behaved, most of the time.  I am very thankful for the opportunity to watch them compete.


Paula said...

You definitely have a long career ahead of you in track. . .I saw your 2nd grader and 1st grader kill the mile! Hey, just think of it as a savings plan for college :) They've got skills!!!

Laurel said...

We have a meet at Kings in a few weeks. Haven't been there before, so it is fun to see the pics.

We have had track runners for 14 years already, and I believe we will have kids running track for the next 10 years, as well. My 8 year old ran a 7:20 mile when he was only 6. So, I bet he keeps on running ... like so many of his big brothers and sisters.

Laurel :)