Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Ed

Ed is now officially 9 years old.  She is one of my kids who has a birthday during the school year, which means she can bring treats and celebrate with her class.  She has a totally lame mom who has trouble remembering that this needs to be done, and I completely missed it this year.  I did make her a cheesecake and chicken on the bone for dinner, and Ed is very forgiving.

She is my girly girl.  She loves to do things up.  She likes lots of stuff, and lots of glitter.  She is about as opposite from me as you can get.  Everyone loves her sweet personality, and gentle spirit.  She has a smile ready at all times, and loves to be the drama queen.  She will be great on the stage when she gets her chance.

Her wants are usually pretty simple.  Purses, pencils, dresses, stickers, you get the idea.  Grandpa bought her running shoes, because she is one fast girl.  We are all predicting that she will be the one to beat her big sister's school record in the mile in 7th grade.  She also got a hula hoop, and candy.  She got a lovely wallet, and lots of cash to stuff it with.  Thanks to all of the grandmas and grandpas for making her birthday very sweet.

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

Happy birthday girly girl! Ugh same with Amira on the birthdate and can you believe I missed it too yesterday to bring her treats to school. What a blessing to have forgiving children.