Monday, June 7, 2010

Go Mariners

The gang Rick took to the game
The friends that Soso made in the stands

We needed to get Jubilee across the state to visit with her friends from AHOPE.  Since we were going to be on that side of the mountains, Rick decided it would be a perfect opportunity to watch the Mariners.  I thought it was a bit of a long drive so I stayed home.  The game was not so great if you are a Mariners fan, but the weather was perfect.  Everyone came back a little pink.  Soso, who is our family extrovert, made friends with all the folks sitting around us.  We have several pictures of them, which I am sure would thrill them.  I have no idea who they are, and Soso isn't good with names, but they look friendly.

It was a nice diversion from being stuck in the house in the  pouring rain, which is pretty much what we have been doing since school got out.

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