Sunday, July 18, 2010

Special Visitors

Mimi's wedding was this weekend, which meant that our special friend's came to visit.  This is Biruk, Soso, and Nes.  Biruk and Nes were born in Jimma.  Their mothers brought them to the orphanage on the same day.  I knew that Biruk was special to Nes, because every picture that I have of him at KM had Biruk in it.  When Andrea said she was going to pick Biruk up, I emailed her and had her take pictures to Nes for me.  I knew he would have a hard time when he left.  She said that Nes quit eating when they took Biruk to the guesthouse.  She went to visit Nes everyday before they left.  I am so grateful for the friendship that these two boys have and for the friendships of the four moms involved.  We have all met and exchanged many pictures and prayers.  The boys were VERY excited to see each other.  There was not a lot of sleeping going on, but there were a lot of giggles.  Soso is trying to figure out how he can marry into Biruk's family.  He LOVES them all.  We will just keep praying over that as well.

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

Oh Signe, what a wonderful time we had. Thanks for spending the day with us and thanks for having Biruk over. Got to love it to have the 3 TERRORS all in one picture. Glad it was your house and not mine, lol. Can't deny they are TRUE boys. I miss you already. Danica totally fell in love with your family too. I am so exhausted right now, I don't even know why I am on the computer but I will try to email you the pics tomorrow.