Friday, November 4, 2011


I just had to write about a momentous event like the first snow of the year.  We had such a glorious autumn I can't lament too much about the onset of cold.  Of course, I do have a class scheduled to run the mile today.  I have lived here long enough to know that running the mile will happen in all kinds of weather, so I am not deterred.

It's been a while since I have had a few moments to sit down and write.  I have been spending so much time at school, that when I get home all of the kiddos are home too.  With two computers for eleven people my online time is extremely limited.

My Mom has been here for a couple of weeks.  She is keeping the house smelling wonderful and our bellies full.  She came to lend moral support while Rick was at his national conference.  She is staying for my jewelry party next week.  She likes bling!  I have to say that I am loving this retirement plan of hers.  I really never thought she would willingly spend so much time with us.  It is a pleasant surprise, and we have enjoyed it immensely.  I hope that I can bless my children in this way when we are all grown up.

My brain feels like a very overstuffed and disorganized storage unit.  Blogging has been a great way to unpack some things, and rearrange.  I really miss having the time to sort through all the random thoughts that just get stuffed in boxes and piled on top of each other willy nilly.  I had wanted to write a series of posts on how I grew up, and things that would explain a lot about my strange way of thinking.  I also wanted to write about things that I would want my kids to know, that I may not remember to tell them in all the hussle and bussle of our lives.  I hope that there will be a season for that.

My mom asked me what I would want to do when I have the time to do things I want to do.  I am starting to hope that day never comes, because I really have no idea.  These days I just do the next thing.  There are next things enough to last at least the next 20 years, and I'm pretty sure they will just keep lining up as I plod along trying to take care of one at a time.  Technology seems to allow things to pile up faster, but my learning curve is so far behind it doesn't seem to help me get any of it done.  I can't learn the new thing fast enough to keep up with the people developing the next new thing.  I wonder if dinosaurs were sad when they went extinct?  I think I will be relieved.  Thank God that so far they are still printing books on paper, and hugs will never be outdated.


white covering of clean snow

dead deer hanging on my deck, that I didn't have to shoot

flannel sheets


kids learning to read, the same books over and over

hope of better things after this

another day of living and learning

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

hahaha you never get to do things you want to do anymore:) Can you imagine all the beautiful grandchildren you gonna have one day? That alone will give you no time to yourself.