Friday, May 7, 2010

Blustery Spring

Spring in our neck of the woods is always blustery.  We enjoy all four seasons, often in the same day.  I'm finding that our schedules are as blustery as the weather, and thus our countenances can go that way too.  Last night three girls had track meets.  We woke up to white stuff all around.  It was Mads' last meet and she had set some high standards for herself.  She has started her shot series to help her overcome some of her allergies, and I in an unwise moment had her take her shot the morning before her big meet.  She did well, but not as well as she had hoped.  I could tell that she was working hard, but not getting the results she was hoping for.  I had told her all week to do her best and remember that God is a God of results.  How she finished is ultimately up to Him.  Her times were consistent with her performance all season, and she finished strong.  God has left her room to improve for next year if she wants to continue to work in the off season.  When she came home and told me that her whole arm had swollen up after this shot, I realized that I should have waited.  Lesson learned.

BK came home having gotten first in all of her events.  I looked up her times, and they were  not her best times.  She knew it, and God was kind.  Bronster is finishing the season and learning that track is a lot harder than it looks.  She is a young student for her grade so she has to work especially hard.  It has been a good season of learning and having fun.

Beach Grandma rolled in with the hail and bravely sat through the rain to cheer Mads on.  Today she is being blessed with plays, history reports, and concerts.  I think she is a little overwhelmed by it all, but the kids are loving having her. Soso made a very convincing cow in his first opera.  Bronster did an adaptation of The Tempest for her history project that was quite good.  I thought Ferdinand deserved an Oscar.

Jubilee is putting on a good face.  She had a turbulent morning yesterday.  She did everything I asked, but with as little joy as humanly possible.  She seemed much more settled when I got home from the track meet.  I'm not sure how she will make it through the hoopla today, but I think she enjoyed being included.  She is very obedient, and if she is asked directly to do something she always does.  I just wish she could enjoy the blessings.  I know it will come because she loves the Lord and trusts in Him.

The sun is out today.  It looks warm but it is not.  I am still hopeful that it will warm up and we can actually get outside and refresh our souls.  As things start to wrap up maybe the blustery part of spring will pass and we can reach the lazy days of summer.


Laurel said...

Sooo... looking forward to the lazy days of summer. Sooo... ready for some sunshine, and in need of more SONshine in our lives. It's been a cold and dreary winter (physically and emotionally) for our family.

We had a track meet yesterday, as well. So hard when you have 2 events that are relays, and you are relying on 3 other people to do their best. Bad handoff yesterday resulted in a disqualification. Oh so hard for my son, who was not a part of the bad handoff. he was down the track, ready to run ... but didn't get the chance.

Praying they can get the handoffs right next week, or they won't be going on to State.

Laurel :)

OneThankfulMom said...

It was a great afternoon and Mads was beautiful, even if she didn't accomplish quite what she had hoped. At least she has lots more years of running!