Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1, 2014

I am better at giving myself marching orders than I am at reflecting on how I've done.  I have a sinking feeling that is because I am my own harshest critic, and the me that needs to take the criticism isn't up to facing the me that is the critic.  I will say that this last year has been a challenge, and has taught me a great deal about myself, about my kids and about God.  I am very thankful for every single lesson learned.  I know that I need to repeat many of them again this year.  My resolution is to do it better this year than I did last year, and to smile and keep on playing!

One lesson I am learning is to make a plan.  I know my plans change often and in big ways, but having taken the time to sketch out some sort of plan gives you something to go back to when things even out.  Writing down what's for dinner every night of the week has been an anchor for keeping me from making multiple trips to the grocery store.  Making sure the kids have lessons planned out on Monday morning keeps me sane and is worth every minute it takes me to do it.  They need to know what the plan is as much as I do.  Starting my day in the Word, and making sure I get outside for a few minutes at some point keeps a fresh breeze blowing through my soul.  I am hoping to find some inspiring blogs to read each day to keep me moving forward in practical ways.  The one lesson I want to apply this year is to trust God to do big things.  I have seen over and over this last year how God answers prayers beyond what we had hoped for.  This year I want to hope for more and watch him blow me out of the water.

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