Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Mother's Day (Yes, I know I'm late)

The way of the cross is so simple, it truly does puzzle the wise.  This last few weeks have been days of crushing darkness as I pray for friends that are bearing heavy burdens.  Then there are beautiful blinding sunny days, both literally and figuratively.  My kids have had an amazing track season and are headed to state for the first time.  I have other kids who are struggling with depression and feeling hopeless.  In the storm of emotions I know that my only shelter is in Christ.

I was quizzing one child on psychology.  As I asked her to explain the various treatments for reordering  dysfunctional thinking I finally stopped and asked her how we should look at this as Christians.  The only hope we have for a new mind is in Christ.  For me that is crazy, profound, simple, wisdom, for the world it's just dumb.  For those who only see the body in a physical realm, I guess a lobotomy might sound appealing.  The chasm between Christian thinking and worldly thinking seems to be getting wider the longer I walk with Christ.  I have found myself getting physically sick when I listen to the pro-choice arguments for aborting babies that are "defective".  I love children.  I love defective children.  I have caught myself praying for healthy babies to be born to expecting mothers and then asking myself, "what if they're not healthy?"  Yes, we want our children to be happy and healthy, but children born with defects are often more happy then our "perfect" children.  The children that I know who would have been born with defects are beautiful and happy.  They make me appreciate life in new ways.  They have an amazing capacity to spread joy to the people who will interact with them.

This is a very Christian idea.  God made the defective to show His love and His glory.  We don't know what Jesus looked like, but I have a feeling he wasn't model material.  People didn't flock to Him because He was handsome, or witty.  They flocked to Him because He loved them.  He showed Him love in touching them and bringing healing.  He walked into places respectable, clean, happy people were uncomfortable being and talked with people.  He told them what they were doing wrong and told them to stop.  That's it, stop.  The message was simple and direct and given by someone who was willing to sit down and touch them.  His way was simple, dirty, unassuming, quiet, very different then what we are told is influential in the world.  We are to suffer without complaining.  If we are strong, we are to protect the weak.  If we have food, and even if we don't, we are to feed the hungry.  We are to look for the oppressed and lift them up.  We are to get out of our comfort zone and get dirty and trust Jesus in all of it.

I read a lot of blogs and Facebook posts on Mother's Day.  I was tempted to add my words to the many, but couldn't get anything coherent to come.  I think as mothers we invest too much of ourselves in our children.  We pour our lives out for our children and we expect to reap a harvest of blessing and contentment.  Some of us have gone out and found children that have been abused, neglected, orphaned, diseased or maybe those children have found us, either way we still pour ourselves into them.  We still expect the blessing and contentment.  These children all belong to God no matter how they came to us.  They are made in His image just as we are.  They will suffer, or have suffered just as we all do and will, that is the way of this life.  Our suffering is never in vain.  He counts our every tear. "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?" Psalm 56:8.  I heard so many mothers calling themselves failures.  Why do we do that?  Because we are looking at our lives like the world does.  Do you think you have failed as a mother?  Then remember your savior.  He was a failure too.  His disciples flaked on him in His hour of need.  He was abandoned and nailed to a cross.  The people He had chosen from the beginning didn't even recognize Him.  Those that He loved stood and watched Him die.  You haven't failed.  You are still in the fight, and the savior who died for you rose again.  Your children who are struggling are His too.  He is working out His perfect plan for their lives.  It is He alone that can heal them, feed them, speak truth into their hearts, and give them new life.  The dark days that you have with them, are all working for your good and their good, and His glory.  Don't give any thought to what your neighbors may be thinking.  This is your story, and you don't owe them any cliff notes.

Mothers have a special calling.  We are called to have faith that these people God has given us to raise for a time will be called precious by Him.  They may do things that embarrass us.  They may say ugly things to us.  They may think we are embarrassing them.  They may not stick to our perfect plan.  We walk by faith, not by sight.  We do what God has told us to do, and we seek after Him.  What our children do with their faith is ultimately in Him.  We are not the Holy Spirit, we are just the lady who prays for them every day and makes all kinds of mistakes along the way.  We have given our greatest love to our children, and by the grace of God some will rise up and call us blessed.  We may not see that day for all of them, but the failure is not ours.  The failure made true victory possible.  Let everyone watching call it a loss, they can't see the end from the beginning.  Live out your life as if it is eternal, because it is.  Our way is simple.  Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.  You are giving your children a glimpse of heaven in every sacrifice you make.  Don't underestimate the power of your thousands of little mercies.  Don't lose hope when things look stormy.  Find other ladies that understand what your job means, and who will walk through the valleys of death with you.  Your life is in Christ and the fruit you bear will be mocked by the worldly wise, that's ok, in fact that's good.  Their way is the way of death, lobotomies, medication, and condemnation.  You are giving life.  Happy Mother's Day! 

I am thankful for...

The smell of lilacs

Warm breezes

Puffy white clouds in blue skies

The smell of banana bread baking in the oven

Slobbery kisses from bleary eyed boys

Mother's Day letters written by children, truly honest

Wise men who write persuasively and explain complex ideas

Greek yogurt

Cats sleeping in the sun

Hugs from other moms who understand the struggle we have all entered together

Living Happily Ever After....

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