Monday, October 21, 2013

That my Children Will Walk in Truth

My friend Michele reminded me this morning that our greatest hope for our children is that they walk in truth.  When I keep that in the front of my mind, everything else falls into place.  Where they go to college, or if they go to college moves back to where it should be on the priority list.  It is so very easy to let so many other things creep up the priority list and take the top spot, but at the end of the day what I really want is for them to be faithful to God.

When I remember to tell them that I am praying for them, it gives them a greater comfort that whatever they are doing it is being bathed in prayer.  I forget how powerful prayer is.  Michele was telling us about times in her life when she knew her mom was praying for her and it gave her the confidence to be bold in her life for God.  I have seen that in my own children.  When they are feeling pressure and they are trying to keep it all together, if I can get to them and hold their hand and pray, I can see the peace that comes over them.

I just wanted to remind myself that my children are God's children first.  He has written their story, and it is good.  I need to seek His wisdom and insight, and let life play out the way it should.  I don't need to meddle in their affairs.  I don't need to be anxious and obnoxious.  I don't need to worry about messing them up.  I need to look to God.  I need to study His word, give thanks in all things, be gentle with my words, be faithful in walking in the truth, and trust Him with the little problems and the big problems.  If my children know that I am praying for them, if they know that I am faithful, if they know that Jesus saves us all, they will know God and know that He is good.  He knows what they need and I can trust Him to provide for them in all things.  What a load that takes off of my shoulders.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this. Seeing it in writing is a great reminder to me.