It was so good to get a little break from the routine, especially when it involved warm weather and good friends. It gave me a chance to sit and talk to grown ups without any interruptions, except for the occasional pilot giving flight updates. It shook loose a lot of random thoughts, that I may never get a chance to fully sort out before I need to box them up and archive them again, but I wanted to jot some things down before I go back into my foggy life.
I have had people make little comments to me about things in my life that they feel like they can't do. They haven't commented in the negative, but sort of implying that I have some increased spirituality because I have a large family, or because we adopted, or because we home school, or whatever it is we are talking about. I just want to go on record to say that I am not holier than anyone for any of these things. I think there was a season where I felt like I needed to do stuff for God, and believe me, he showed me He can pour it on longer and harder than I can hold it together. I'm a selfish sinner just like everyone else and I am not looking down my nose at anyone for any choices they have made in life that glorifies our father. I don't care how many kids you have, where they were born, when they walked or what they watch on t.v. I know that every person out there has some amazing gift that God has given to them that I don't have. I have my own struggles living a holy life in a fallen world, I'm not your judge God is, and if you need a friend to talk to I'm here. I don't have all the answers I just know that God is good.
I was reminded that I need to stop categorizing people and just listen to them. I need to look at each person as an individual and stop trying to put them in boxes so that I can keep them organized in my conversations. I need to quit thinking all Christian school people think like this... or all people in the south think this.... or all people that move to Moscow think this.... God has a plan for each of us and he mixes things up in crazy combinations that I need to appreciate much more than I do.
One lady made an off hand comment that was very insightful. She told me when she quit thinking that the point of her story was that she would be happy, and understood that the point of her story was to glorify God, she became much more content. Whoa. What a concept! I should be thinking more about how my life glorifies Him and less about why He doesn't seem to choose the things that would make me happy and then I will be more content? I know that intellectually, but when I start sinking into the self pity pond I lose all sight of it.
That got me thinking about how I use my time. I keep trying to free up time to "help people". What in the world? I have so many people to help that I keep tripping over them as I look to find new people. Here's a thought, why don't I turn my gaze on them and revel in the blessing of having a house bursting with needy people? I am fairly certain that if I work the system right there will always be needy people right here in front of me. I think I will start with them and see where God takes me from there.
We visited a lovely small Christian college in The South. The weather was mild and tantalizingly warm. The magnolias were in bloom. The birds were singing. I had been praying that God would give me eyes to see and ears to hear what he had for us on this trip. Brook and I visited with a couple of science professors and asked them questions about what their students did after college. I had to work hard to keep my jaw off the floor. He spoke right into our hearts and showed us things we had not seen before. He pulled his Bible right out of his pocket and talked to us about science and religion and what it would mean to be a serious Christian in that field. I was so excited I want to jump up and down. Brook even got chatty about it! The track coach told us the story of how God had brought him to this school. I love to hear how God works in people's lives bringing them to the places he needs them at just the right times. We walked away encouraged and hopeful for what God might be doing in the girl's lives. We don't know yet, what will happen with all of this, but it was a great trip and I'm very glad we went.
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