For some reason I have a blogging phobia. Sometime in the last year I started getting really paranoid about everything I have to say on my blog. What if someone misunderstands me and gets angry? What if my besetting sins are shockingly obvious to everyone but me? What if I am a straight up dolt? I'm not sure why this just occurred to me after several years of blogging. I am sure my besetting sins are obvious to everyone whether I blog or not, and I am quite sure I am a dolt. No one has to read this blog anyway, so I am just going to let it all hang out and try to do some more writing.
Today is Rick's birthday. He wanted to go for a hike up Kamiak Butte and take a family picture. We made it to the vista and snapped a picture. Bronster used a small tree as a tripod and we all squished in, although the lighting wasn't at the best angle it turned out OK. It became painfully obvious that our lack of PE in my slave driver school is causing us all to do more huffing and puffing than usual. I need to work in more activity during our days. We came home and has sausage tortellini soup with Oreos for dessert.
I admit that I am not a great gift giver. Occasionally I do a really great job, but it is rare. I'm not much of stuff person so it pains me to buy things that people may or may not love. Rick is particularly difficult because he likes things I know absolutely nothing about like drill bits, and baseball cards. I'm sure this means I haven't been paying attention for the last 25 years or so which makes me feel like a total jerk. He really doesn't ask for much so I feel particularly beastly when I come up with nothing for his birthday. I made him dinner. Lame sauce. I don't suppose that the thought actually does count, because really I would have bought two tickets to the Mariners spring training game in Arizona, but it was a bit out of my budget again this year. I can always hope that I will do better next year, I left myself a lot of room for improvement.
Happy Birthday Rick! You are an incredibly patient and selfless person. I don't deserve you, and God will more than make up for my lack in the long run. I do love you with or without the perfect gift to give you.
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