Monday, March 24, 2014

Short spurts

I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog to The Crazytown Journal.  It seems more fitting for this phase of life.

My boys helped me with laundry today.  My very favorite wool sweater that I used my Christmas money to purchase, was a casualty of our war on laundry.  I had put it in the washer on gentle cycle fully expecting to pull it out and lay it to dry.  I forgot.  This morning Nesradine is sporting the finest Smartwool sweater on the block.  Bronwyn cheerfully pointed out that I managed to keep it my size for three months.  Two lessons were learned here: 1. NEVER buy anything with special laundering needs when you live with 11 other people who may or may not help with the laundry from time to time.  2.  What was I thinking buying an expensive sweater in the first place?  My $5 fleece from Old Navy looks great and still fits.  I repent of materialism and I am glad someone gets a good laugh out of it.

My schedule has become unmanageable and I am powerless to control it.  This is where I confess that I cannot manage my life on my own.  I need my higher power (God of the Bible) and really I need grandparents, a nanny, school, and a good therapist.  I signed up to do concessions for our 4-H program this weekend.  I showed up for the wrong shift, but at the right location!  50% is still failing, and there you go.

Homeschooling is proving to be a love it/hate it deal.  I love spending time with my kids and giving them some individual time.  Unfortunately I have numbers of kids that exceed my ability to a good job of this for all of them.  I have not figured out how to find quiet time at any hour of the day or night, causing me to have very unhealthy thoughts from time to time.  I think homeschooling can be a wonderful thing with the right resources and management.  I will be homeschooling again next year, I just don't know how many or what it will look like.  My girls really enjoy pub schooling, and we are going to work more on that.

I am thankful for Logos School, KH and the hours she has given to my daughter, spring, sunshine on my face, boys that help with laundry, girls that pick up my kids at school, crazy schedules that change at the drop of a hat, and all the braincells that are stimulated by the chaos of life, God for giving me hope that all this mess will glorify Him in spite of my inability to manage it well.

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