I suppose blogging about the evils of social media is sort of hypocritical, but I have tried to whittle my blog readers down to the people that I do actually know and interact with. I hope I don't come across as a bestower of all wisdom, because I only know what I know, which isn't much. I am going to try very hard not to delve into any topic that I haven't actually experienced, because as my friend Paula said, "maybe you just shouldn't..." Great advice!
What I love about getting off of Facebook is that my true blue friends call me. They really do care about what I am doing and they want to interact with me. That is so very encouraging to me. I think it is easy to think you have friends until you really need them and discover that they are just likes on a page. I need people that don't feel like they need to agree with everything I say or do, but still like me because I'm me. Don't we all want those friends? I want friends that aren't afraid to laugh at me when I am being a dork. Most of all I want friends that aren't afraid to laugh even when it seems inappropriate, because I need a lot more laughter. My friends that laughed with me through Eden's labor are the best! Of course my brother provided a lot of material for that one. Thanks Brant.
I am thankful for good friends, good food, good laughs, wrinkles, grey hair, many things forgotten, birthdays, wine, good books, and extremely patient husbands. Let's face it girls we aren't easy to live with even on our good days, but chocolate chip cookies hot out of the oven go a long way.
1 comment:
I LOVE THIS!!! My husband always tells me just because someone "likes" your status or a picture doesn't mean they really care. The ones who care, are the ones who pick up the phone and call you. The ones who text you to see how your doing and most of all....the ones who show up when you need a friend! I too am trying to shut down and live life. I dont want to look back and realize my social life was just a network of "likes". We all need that human interaction! God bless!
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