Friday, May 9, 2014


The girls received their roommate assignments for this coming fall.  We were all excited and did a little Facebook stalking (one more reason why Facebook is questionable).  We weren't quite sure what to think, but started praying very specifically about how they might all get along.

This morning Mads has been texting her roomie.  She was downstairs and started screaming.  I thought there was an animal in the basement and bolted out of my room.  She came running up the stairs screaming, "mom, mom!"  She discovered that her roommate is from Texas and is also on the track team.  Mads is so not like me.  I started to focus on slowing down my breathing and gave her a hug.

I am so glad for my girls to be going off on this adventure.  New places, new friends, new perspectives, a time for growth.  There are times, mostly at night, that I wonder why on earth I'm sending my babies so far away.  I'm doing it because I think this is part of God's story for them.  He has made this possible, and they are ready to fly.  I want to see them catch some serious air and trust God for big things.  I'm trying to remember that all big jumps were achieved after many falls.  They will get some bruises along the way to being all that God has for them.  God gives the young a much greater tolerance for bruises than he does us old people.  Or maybe I'm just a weenie.

I am very thankful for my children.  I am thankful for the opportunity for them to go away for college.  I am thankful for friends around the country who are willing to give them a taste of home.  I am thankful for a big God who loves them so much more than I do.

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